Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hardee's - exp 01.16.2012

Click on coupon, then print.

Waffle House - exp 12.02.2011

Click on coupon, then print.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hardee's / Red Burrito coupon - exp 12.31.2011

Click on desired coupon, then print from your browser.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hardee's / Red Burrito - free taco - exp 12-31-2011

Click on coupon, then print from your browser...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Packages Resized!

Take note of the products (especially when it comes to recipes) being resized in this article from Daily Finance:

Friday, April 8, 2011


I linked this in another post about a blender, but thought I'd repost here for those that may not necessarily be in the market for a little blender!  If you google Magic Bullet Recipes, there are a lot of links that come up.  This one, directly from Magic Bullet though, has some good stuff including Beauty blends. 

Blender: comparable to Magic Bullet +

A couple of years ago, I found one of these blenders for $19.99, however  that was using additional coupons and really working the system.  This one is by Bella Cucina instead of the popular infomercial darling Magic Bullet.  They work the same as the Magic Bullet and is sometimes less than half the price!  You don't get the recipe booklet, but you can get some of those by clicking here or just by googling Magic Bullet Recipes.  That turns up a ton of options and maybe even some things that you wouldn't find in their book because it's individuals that have come up with their own.

Plus, I like that it's silver and black without all of the multiple tacky colors.  You can see more details below.  There are reviews on the site, which are helpful.  Someone said that they were unable to carry it with them because of leakage.  (I've not tried that myself because I use an insulated cup by Contigo (I'll place a link below) that I carry EVERYWHERE.  It actually drives people crazy because I do carry it everywhere with me.  It holds ice for way over 12 hours!  I've even left it in the car during hot Tennessee Titans games, returned to the car and still had a cold drink - with fizz - waiting for me.  Really good after those hot walks and on long car trips and apparently when you have to be outdoors in the cold and want to keep a hot drink hot!!  I know the price seems ridiculous...I mean who would pay that for a cup?  But after you use it, you'll understand that it's well worth that price! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

JoAnn's: Chalk Pads; Stamps

JoAnn's has a bunch of stuff in their clearance aisle right now...including these small chalk pads (little larger than a quarter) and some of the small clear stamps.  I believe they're usually a dollar, but right now these are $0.50. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cell Phone - Data Charges

I don't even have the data option on my phone.  Doubt that I will, but never say never.  Everytime someone sees my older phone, they tell me how much they miss that phone.  I keep wondering why they ever gave it up as they scowl at their fancier phone.  The times that I've gone to search anything out on a Blackberry, I've either run into dead ends - because of mobile only sites or it's just taken way too long.  It does annoy those looking things up on a "fancy phone" when I get it back so much faster.

For a long while now, I've been using the FREE service, Google SMS Messaging.  I can send them a message and they send my answer back rather quickly.  There have been rare occasions where it hasn't come back within a minute or two and I've sent again, only to end up getting multiple messages.  I figure the first one just went through during a busy time.  I've also been known to Google SMS when I've had my laptop right in front of me.

Instead of trying to memorize all of their options (click here), do yourself a favor and print off a small sheet that you can carry in your wallet or purse.  I've gotten to where I use certain commands more often than others so it's rare that I look at that little piece of paper, but it's still good to have there. 

I've used just about every code at least once now, but the one I've used most frequently has been for phone number/address and direction look-ups when I'm trying to find out the location of a business.  That was especially good for when I was visiting my Grandmother and didn't know where a lot of things were in the area and didn't have internet capability.  One problem with that was when a business had closed and the news hadn't gotten to Google yet.  But those are rare. 

I also use "Price" a lot when I'm looking for a particular book or in the case of this weekend when I picked up a second-hand portable printer (scored for $6.00! - Original price was $199.99-$299.99) and I needed to get an ink cartridge.  Note, they will send you several texts about the same item but usually with the 1/3, 2/3...etc at the first so you'll know how many to expect.  It does get annoying when you get your answer with the first message.  But in the case of this one, it was a good thing because the first price was $29.99 and then in the second message, it told me that Amazon had the cartridge for $9.99.  Make sure you're specific about the item you want the price for.

They do change the commands every now and then, like they have recently on Sports Scores so you may want to check in every now and then or you can also text them with "Sports Help" and they'll text you back.  I have a preset message for "Score Tennessee Titans" in my phone just so I don't have to type all of that when I'm away and can't get a score.

Best thing of all, it's a free service and saves me $20.00 a month!  (Based on the current fee charged by my provider.)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Orville Redenbacher Popcorn - FREE Sample

Do it fast!  These only last for so long and then they cut them off: 

Magazine Deal-A-Day for the month of April

Save this link:  Magazine Deal-A-Day - check back each day throughout April to find the new deal of the dal.  They do NOT have them listed in any particular order, but they do tell the magazines that will be up for offer and what the subscription price will be.  This is how I've gotten a few magazine subscriptions and they pay for themselves sometimes after one or two issues.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dollar Tree - Mesh Back Support

I found that our Dollar Tree had an entire bin of these Mesh Back Supports over the weekend!  At Bed, Bath & Beyond they're $9.99.  Dollar Tree, of course, $1.00!!!  Bought three.  If I've learned nothing, I've learned that you buy as many as you think you'll need or they'll be gone never to return.  (Learned that the hard way with a pet cushion that my cat uses in his crate and he loves it...but hates when it has to go for laundry day!)